MR Scanner
MR Scanner
The CNI scanner is a GE Discovery MR750.
- Standard GE bird-cage head coil
- InVivo 8-channel head array (similar to this one)
- Nova Medical 32-channel head coil (interior coil dimensions - 18.5 cm width, 21 cm length, 24 cm height to nose bridge, 21 cm height to forehead)
- Nova Medical 16-channel visual array. This is similar to the Nova 32-channel coil, but with the front half removed to allow a completely unobstructed field of view for visual studies.(interior coil dimensions - 18.5 cm width, 21 cm length, 10 cm height)
- Tektronix TDS2024B4 channel oscilloscope to debug pulse sequences.
- Custom foam padding for positioning subjects.
MR Simulator
The CNI has a Psychology Software Tools MR simulator available for pre-scan training.
Physiological Monitoring
The CNI has a MedRad Veris EKG with pulse oximeter and respiration belt.