CNI Seed Grant RFP
The CNI has received funding, generously provided by the Dean of Research, for pilot and exploratory studies at the CNI. We place a strong emphasis on supporting novel applications of neuroimaging that can advance understanding of brain function and/or potentially benefit society. Previous rounds of CNI seed grants have supported many diverse projects, and we're hoping to keep up the innovation!
We now welcome applications for seed grants to fund scan time at the CNI. All exploratory projects that require 15‐25 hours of scanner time for data acquisition will be considered. (Note that these funds can only be used for scan time at the CNI.) To apply, please submit a proposal with the following information:
- Project title
- Principal Investigator and co-investigators
- IRB status
- Project purpose: background, measurement methods, and data analysis plan (no more than 1 page)
Proposals should be submitted via email to Bob Dougherty ( by November 15th, 2012. Please include "seed grant" in the subject line and contact me if you do not receive a receipt acknowledgement with 24 hours. Awards will be announced by the end of November and any scan time awarded must be used by March 31st, 2013. A brief report summarizing the results of the project will also be due at that time.
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
Bob Dougherty