2020.03.15 CNI and COVID-19
The University response to the COVID-19 continues to evolve. We will use these blog posts as well as additional communication mechanisms that we are setting up to stay in touch with you. Here is a summary of the current situation.
The CNI remains open, but Hua and Michael will be working remotely. They can be reached online. Either Laima, Adam, or both, will be onsite to cover immediate CNI needs.
Be sure to carefully follow cleaning guidelines both before and after scanning. We have secured adequate materials to sanitize the space for at least the next couple weeks. It is essential that we follow the protocols described at the scanner for sanitizing (see below).
Users should take advantage of protocol development time to book extra time at the beginning and end of their sessions to allow adequate time for this process without being charged.
Any updated guidance from the University in terms of closures or research restrictions will take precedence over this message.
CNI is Open
- Until further university guidance is received, CNI will remain open for research scanning.
- Researchers should follow their department guidelines regarding essential research. For reference, the Dean of Research memo as of 3/14/2020 can be found here: Reducing Non-Remote Laboratory Activity.
- Michael and Hua will be working remotely but available online or by phone.
- Either Laima, Adam, or both will be available onsite at CNI during normal hours.
- Contact information for all staff is posted next to the scanner console.
Follow Stanford Health Alerts Guidelines
- All researchers must follow the self-care guidelines provided at Stanford Health Alerts: Prevention & Well-Being.
- All researchers must follow the rules governing human-subject research at Stanford Health Alerts: Information for Faculty and Researchers, particularly the FAQ For Lab Researchers (Can Human Subjects and External Research Study Personnel Still Come to Campus).
Human subjects who meet any of the following criteria are not allowed to visit Stanford Campus/CNI:- Have been diagnosed with COVID-19 (tested positive).
- Exhibit symptoms of COVID-19 (fever, cough, sore throat, shortness of breath, vomiting, diarrhea).
- Have recently returned from travel to locations with CDC travel restrictions.
- Have had close contact with known cases.
- Believe they may have been exposed to COVID-19 virus.
Please also note from the DoR memo: “Any non-essential visits should be postponed whenever possible. Non-essential research activities should be deferred if possible. New studies that have not yet started, especially those having a large population of human subjects, should also be deferred if possible.
Study teams may implement exceptions to allow for clinical trials treatments of patients with serious illnesses. Study teams may implement exceptions to allow, for example, clinical trials treatments of patients with serious illnesses, or other essential studies. Study teams should also evaluate and implement additional mitigation measures for work with immunocompromised study participants, older adults, and patients.”
Keeping CNI & You Safe
- If you or your colleagues show any symptoms of COVID-19, please stay home.
- We are counting on one another to clean prior to scanning and and to clean up after scanning. You should allocate time for this.
- Prior to the scan:
- Wash your hands upon entering the CNI facility and prior to coming into contact with the subject
- Require subjects to wash their hands upon entering the facility
- Clean all surfaces the subject may touch with disposable wipes: button boxes, squeeze, ball, coil, pads, etc, Prepare the scan table and coil with clean linens, prepare ear pads or headphones if being used with sanitary covers.
- After coming into contact with the subject be sure to clean your hands with alcohol-based hand sanitizer available in the scan room.
- After the scan:
- Clean all surfaces the subject may have touched with disposable wipes: button boxes, squeeze, ball, coil, pads, etc.
- Clean all work surfaces you or your colleagues might have touched with disposable wipes: scanner room door handle, keyboard, mouse, HDMI matrix switch, trigger box, etc.
- Wash your hands prior to leaving CNI
- If using the mock scanner or testing room please use a similar process for cleaning both before and after use as for the scan and control room.
- Janitorial staff will be doing extra cleaning of commonly touched surfaces in the building.
Scheduling Extra Time for Cleaning
- Users should schedule additional blocks of 30 minutes each of Protocol Development time (uncharged) both prior to and after their normal scan session period.
- This extra time is to be used for the additional cleaning time required both before and after the scan.
- To remove any incentive for users to scan against contraindications we are waiving all cancellation fees.
- Please cancel scans as far in advance as possible when you know you will not be using the time so CNI staff can plan their availability.
- We ask that everyone abide by the rule of scheduling scan time only when there is a confirmed subject available.
- As the COVID situation evolves, and hopefully comes to a good conclusion for our whole community, we will send out regular updates. We look forward to returning to normal operations for scheduling and fees.
We count on one another to take seriously our communal responsibilities and take care of each other. Following these guidelines is an important part of caring.
— The CNI Team