The CNI Team


Laima Baltusis is the MRI Facility Manager. Researchers who are interested in becoming users at the facility should contact her regarding requirements for access to the facility, safety training, operational questions, and equipment information.
Availability: MTWTF 9-6pm
Contact: email, (650) 725-8382
Office: RM 061
Adam Kerr is the Co-Director for the CNI, as well as a Sr. Research Engineer in Electrical Engineering in the MRSRL Lab.  His research areas have included SMS and other fast imaging sequences for both body and neuro applications, RF pulse design, B1 mapping, parallel transmit RF pulse design, high-field imaging, and hyperpolarized C13 imaging.
Availability: M: 12-5pm, T: 8-5pm, W: 8-12pm, F: 8am-12pm
Contact: email, (650) 725-0051
Office: RM 070
Michael Perry Michael Perry has also been involved with the CNI for years. Michael manages all things IT at the CNI. He is responsible for the center’s data management and processing infrastructure as well as all deployed web applications including Flywheel, NIMS, the CNI Wiki, and this very website.
Availability: M: 7am-1pm, W: 12-4pm, TH: 7am-4pm, F: 7am-12pm
Contact: email, (650) 724-1419
Office: RM 068
Hua Wu Hua Wu is the CNI MR Physicist and software engineer. Hua is helping to implement new pulse sequences and MR-related functionality to our data management system.
Availability: MTWTF 9-6pm
Contact: email, (650) 723-0967
Office: RM 069

Internal Advisory Board

The CNI Advisory Board meets regularly to discuss issues pertaining to the operation of the facility, including staffing, information technology, equipment purchases, training, and funding. The Board is a multidisciplinary group with members from both academic and administrative backgrounds. Questions regarding Board activities should be directed to Professor Brian Wandell.

  • Brian Wandell is the Stein Family Professor in the Dept. of Psychology and Chair of the Advisory Board.
  • Kawin Setsompop is Assoc. Professor of Radiology and EE by Courtesy and is Co-Director of the CNI.
  • Adam Kerr is Co-Director of the CNI.
  • Kalanit Grill-Spector  is Associate Professor in the Department of Psychology.
  • Laura Hack is Assistant Professor Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
  • Bruce McCandliss is Professor in the Graduate School of Education.
  • Anthony Norcia is Research Professor in the Department of Psychology.
  • John Pauly is Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering, Information Systems Laboratory.
  • Leanne Williams is Research Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences.
  • Michael Zeineh is Associate Professor of Radiology


Robert Dougherty was the original Research Director at the Stanford Center for Cognitive and Neurobiological Imaging.  He has moved to some exciting opportunities in industry.
Gunnar Schaefer was the original architect of NIMS, with Bob.  He moved to