Reopening the CNI – partial opening (part 3)

Partial opening

The CNI will partially re-open this Wednesday, June 10th.  We expect much of the rest of the month of June to be used for protocol development (new UHP) and training on the new procedures (COVID-19).  For this initial period scheduling protocol development time up to 1 week in advance is permitted, and the CNI will be open weekdays from 9am to 6pm.

Before signing up for time, researchers should complete the CNI online re-certification training. You can sign up for time using the CNI scheduler – please remember to set at least a one-half hour block between studies.  The inter-session time sign-up is charged to the COVID-19 Mitigation grant.  Users will be granted access to the COVID-19 Mitigation grant after they have completed the required online re-certification training.

CNI requirements

Please consult the Getting Started page and the University Research Recovery Handbook.  We emphasize the key points here.

Lab requirements

These are Stanford requirements that are immediately relevant for labs to start measuring at the CNI.

  1. Subjects must be members of the same research team as PIs
  2. PIs and subjects are willing and ready to start and in compliance with IRB consent procedures, specifically
    • The consent process must explicitly explain that a decision to participate – or not – will not affect employment
    • It is recommended that PIs do not consent their reports
  3. PIs must have a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for their lab that conforms to the density criteria and hygiene requirements for Stage 1 Laboratories Research (see the Research Recovery Handbook).
  4. Departmental approval is required.
  5. PIs are expected to provide feedback and share information with the research recovery working group

For the Stage 1 recovery, PIs will need to have a simple SOP for their labs.  For later stages, PIs will need a more extensive SOP

N.B. The CNI SOP  has been updated with the latest information (June 6, 2020).  Material from that page can be incorporated by reference.

Stanford requirements

Please note these Stanford requirements for all research activity that are particularly relevant to the CNI.

  1. Each group is limited to having two group members on campus at a time.  At the CNI this means one person can be in the scanner and the other operating the console.  Or two people – physically distanced and wearing PPE – can measure a phantom.
  2. Every group must keep a record of who came to the CNI for each session

Safety first

Personal protective equipment (PPE) will be available and required.  We encourage people who have their own masks – and this should be everybody – to bring them. Gloves, face shields, sanitizer, water, plastic face shields will arrive shortly and are required.  We are preparing a video to illustrate our current understanding of safe practices.

The CNI Team

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