UHP Upgrade Update

Unfortunately, we’ve run into a number of issues with the system upgrade that has delayed the process considerably.  The issues are summarized below. We regret the inconvenience.

  1. Failed scan room power supply: The upgrade installed some new hardware (connecting cables) into the scanner suite.  Upon powering up, the GE service engineers were unable to get the system to properly boot up.  This was diagnosed as a failed power supply that provides power to much of the scan room interface equipment.  GE replaced the supply by cannibalizing another system, but this added more than a day to our schedule.
  2. Lengthy calibration process: Given the advanced nature of our system, GE decided to repeat an extensive calibration process that usually only happens during a new system installation. This was expected to be only a day given our system was already in spec. Good news is that our system met all the calibration requirements, bad news is the hoped-for duration of one day wasn’t met.
  3. DICOM server configuration change: We spent a considerable amount of time diagnosing a problem with Flywheel not being able to connect to the scanner DICOM server. This eventually turned out to be a change in the server name that wasn’t obvious.  This issue has been resolved and connectivity with Flywheel has been restored.
  4. New coil configuration format: An unexpected change (to us) was a new coil configuration format.  This effects all of our research coils (NOVA 32 channel, NOVA 16 channel, the 32-channel baby prototype) and prevented them from operating on the updated system.  After scouring other systems we were able to find the configuration file for the NOVA 32 channel system and it is now functioning. We hope to get the new format configuration for the NOVA 16 channel from either NovaMedical or by working with GE engineers over the next week.
  5. Research sequence incompatibility: Most of our research or modified product PSDs are installed and working correctly.  However, our research SMS or MUX sequences (BOLD and DTI) are not yet operational. The CNI spiral fieldmap sequence is also failing to correctly go through auto-prescan. We have made progress on enabling some debug utilities on the scanner and hope to diagnose the problems with these sequences soon.

Our hope is to solve the issues with the research sequences and test their integration with offline Flywheel reconstruction by today.  If we are not done, then we will continue to work over the weekend.  Because of the uncertainty, we have currently extended our service time through EOB Monday.   We will send out another update before 3pm Sunday, hopefully with good news.

Thanks for your patience!

The CNI Team

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