Updated SOP for Scanning After October 1st

Beginning October 1st, 2021 we will resume nearly normal operations.  Users will no longer

  • include a 1/2-hour COVID Mitigation block between scans,
  • do a full cleaning at the beginning of their scan, but instead perform it only at the end of their scan

as described in the revised  SOP (see CNI Wiki). 

The higher density scheduling parallels the changes at the Lucas Center, and our changes have been approved in consultation with Stanford EHS.  The one exception is for groups scanning vulnerable subjects (such as unvaccinated children under twelve)  who may continue to book a 1/2-hour COVID-19 Mitigation block in advance of their scan.

Going forward, please be considerate of  other users.

  • Book scans with either no gap, or a one-hour gap or larger between successive sessions.
  • Stay on time during your scan session.  Scan operators and subjects should leave the scan control room by or before the end of your session.

Thanks for your help in keeping everyone safe!

The CNI Team

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