Category: Uncategorized
CNI User Meeting - 2024.12.06
by Adam Kerr on December 6, 2024 1:41 pm
Thanks to all who made it to our recent CNI User Meeting. We’ve attached the presentation slides. If you have any questions on the slide material, please feel free to ask any of the CNI team. Thanks! The CNI Team 2024.12.06 CNI Town HallDownload
CNI Night Rate Now Starting 8:00PM
by Hua Wu on November 1, 2024 1:48 pm
New CNI Night Rate Period We are pleased to announce that the CNI night period will now be 8:00PM – 8:00AM each day as of Nov. 1, 2024. Our previous night period was midnight – 8:00AM. We hope this change will help move some more flexible scanning outside of our busiest hours of 8:00AM –… Read more CNI Night Rate Now Starting 8:00PM
New CNI Scheduling Policy
by Hua Wu on April 22, 2024 8:51 am
CNI Scheduling Change The CNI continues to experience unprecedented demand for scan time. After consulting users regarding our proposed scheduling change we have decided to make the following adjustments that we hope will work better for most people. We expect there will be ongoing iteration of the scheduling policy, and we ask for patience from users as we refine… Read more New CNI Scheduling Policy
CNI Scheduling Proposal
by Hua Wu on November 17, 2023 4:51 pm
CNI Scheduling Proposal The CNI is experiencing unprecedented demand for scan time. In addition, user needs are becoming more varied and with a number of labs asking to reserve time outside of the current scheduling window (8 weeks). There is no perfect solution apart from acquiring more scanners and offering our users more time. We are… Read more CNI Scheduling Proposal
CNI Best Practices and Etiquette (#3)
by Hua Wu on November 17, 2023 12:48 pm
This week we are reminding everyone about two items: shared space usage and scheduling policies. We need your help in maintaining a safe and productive environment at CNI. First, we need everyone to help keep the CNI shared space clean and orderly. Some of the important guidelines are below. Second, the facility is being heavily used. We ask all of you… Read more CNI Best Practices and Etiquette (#3)
CNI Best Practices and Etiquette (#2)
by Hua Wu on November 10, 2023 5:04 pm
This week’s topics are reminders about important practices of time management, neatness, and supply usage we follow to make our facility run smoothly. Our facility is extremely busy so it is important to adhere to these best practices for the facility to work efficiently and well for all users. We thank you for that and… Read more CNI Best Practices and Etiquette (#2)
CNI Best Practices and Etiquette (#1)
by Hua Wu on November 3, 2023 12:41 pm
Each year, the CNI team welcomes back many users. We also look forward to meeting new users who have a wide variety of experience in research environments. Over the next few weeks we will be posting messages to remind those of you who are returning, and inform those of you who are new to the… Read more CNI Best Practices and Etiquette (#1)
CNI User Meeting - 2022.10.14
by Adam Kerr on October 20, 2022 10:12 am
Thanks to all who made it to our recent CNI User Meeting in person or on Zoom. We’ve attached the presentation slides and Zoom recording here. If you have any questions on the slide material, please feel free to ask any of the CNI team. Thanks! The CNI Team Slides: 2022.10.14.CNI User Meeting PDF Zoom Recording: 2022.10.14.CNI… Read more CNI User Meeting - 2022.10.14
Maintaining a safe and productive environment at CNI
by Laima Baltusis on October 3, 2022 6:31 pm
At the beginning of each year, the CNI welcomes back many users, and we are glad to meet new users. It is also a good time to remind everyone to please help us maintain a safe and productive environment at CNI. Over the years, our community has worked together helping one another to follow the best… Read more Maintaining a safe and productive environment at CNI
New Nova 32-Channel Coil
by Adam Kerr on September 3, 2022 1:54 pm
Summary CNI’s original Nova 32-channel coil went out of service earlier this year. After multiple discussions with Nova, it appears that the original coil cannot be fixed. We are fortunate that our friends at GE generously lent us a Nova coil that we have been using since the end of January. We purchased and have received a… Read more New Nova 32-Channel Coil
New Holiday Weekend and Closure Rates
by Adam Kerr on September 2, 2022 12:30 pm
The CNI advisory board has approved a small modification to our scanner scheduling and fee structure. The modification will not affect most users. We describe the reason for the adjustment and its implementation in this message. Reason: The scheduling modification is designed to allow users to reserve longer periods of time for complex scientific experiments… Read more New Holiday Weekend and Closure Rates
Updated Anatomical T1 Data on Flywheel
by Adam Kerr on June 1, 2022 4:14 pm
Background Earlier this year we learned that some anatomical T1 data were collected with GE’s GradWarp processing disabled. GradWarp is GE’s method for correcting spatial image distortions that are introduced by physical gradient fields not being perfectly linear. In practice, these gradient fields are nearly linear over a normal head volume but deviate at the edge of the field of view (FOV).… Read more Updated Anatomical T1 Data on Flywheel
GE Physio File Converter Gear
by Hua Wu on April 22, 2022 3:16 pm
We have implemented a new Flywheel tool, the GE Physio File Converter Gear. It is designed to help users read and summarize the physiological recordings from the GE scanner. This tool may be helpful to you for cases in which you collect PPG and respiratory respiratory data. In those cases, there will be a file… Read more GE Physio File Converter Gear
New Masking Guidelines
by Adam Kerr on March 2, 2022 11:29 am
New Masking Guidelines CNI will begin following the new masking guidelines established by the University as of today. These guidelines are that Wearing masks is optional Wearing masks is recommended for all individuals regardless of vaccination status. This decision is based on several factors. First, the air flow throughout the CNI is good. Second, the… Read more New Masking Guidelines
CNI User Meeting (10/15/2021)
by Adam Kerr on October 29, 2021 3:49 pm
Thanks to all of the CNI users who participated in our User Meeting earlier this month. We’ve attached the presentation slides and Zoom recording here. If you have any questions on the slide material, please feel free to ask any of the CNI team. Thanks! The CNI Team Slides: 2021.10.15 CNI User Meeting Zoom Recording: 2021.10.15… Read more CNI User Meeting (10/15/2021)
Updated SOP for Scanning After October 1st
by Adam Kerr on September 27, 2021 4:49 pm
Beginning October 1st, 2021 we will resume nearly normal operations. Users will no longer include a 1/2-hour COVID Mitigation block between scans, do a full cleaning at the beginning of their scan, but instead perform it only at the end of their scan as described in the revised SOP (see CNI Wiki). The higher density scheduling parallels the changes… Read more Updated SOP for Scanning After October 1st
Extending COVID Mitigation Procedures Through September
by Adam Kerr on August 27, 2021 4:25 pm
Delay in New CNI Guidelines Previously we announced a return to back-to-back scanning as of September 1st. Now, in consideration of this new wave (Delta) of COVID disease, and after consultation with Stanford health experts, we have decided that it will be CNI policy to maintain the COVID mitigation procedures through September. This is not a University imposed requirement. After reviewing… Read more Extending COVID Mitigation Procedures Through September
Scan Data Acquired From August 19--23
by Adam Kerr on August 26, 2021 10:02 pm
Post Scanner Upgrade Problem The CNI UHP scanner received a minor system upgrade on Tue. Aug 17 — Wed. Aug. 18. The updates were to support two new multipurpose flexible AIR coil receive arrays. You can read more about these coils here. After the upgrade, GE confirmed the system met the “in spec” requirements that are normally used… Read more Scan Data Acquired From August 19--23
Scan Data Acquired From August 2--11
by Adam Kerr on August 20, 2021 11:15 am
Discovery of Coherent Noise Source On August 9th, we were making very sensitive noise measurements during testing of an investigational 64-channel receive array. We observed some artifacts in the noise covariance matrix when testing the array. We originally attributed the noise to an issue in the device under test. However, after repeating the test while turning off all power… Read more Scan Data Acquired From August 2--11
Funding opportunity from the Wu Tsai Human Performance Alliance
by Laima Baltusis on August 6, 2021 1:00 pm
Funding opportunity – Please see the funding opportunity below, sent on behalf of the Wu Tsai Human Performance Alliance: The Wu Tsai Human Performance Alliance is a new interdisciplinary research initiative whose mission is to transform human health and wellness on a global scale through the discovery and translation of the underlying principles which govern human performance. We… Read more Funding opportunity from the Wu Tsai Human Performance Alliance
New CNI Guidelines
by Adam Kerr on July 23, 2021 11:52 am
Scanning After Aug 2nd: New mask and distancing guidelines Beginning Monday, Aug. 2, CNI will follow Stanford’s updated guidelines for mask-wearing and physical distancing with one addendum. The new guidelines do not require fully vaccinated individuals to wear a mask indoors; but, individuals who are not fully vaccinated are required to continue wearing a mask when indoor.… Read more New CNI Guidelines
Adoption of Stage 3 Guidelines
by Adam Kerr on June 25, 2021 3:06 pm
As many of you will have seen, the University just announced the start of Stage 3 of Research Recovery. I am sure we all look forward to reducing the COVID mitigation burden, while still maintaining high health and safety standards. The University’s announcement leaves open several practical questions about managing shared research facilities like ours. As you understand, researchers… Read more Adoption of Stage 3 Guidelines
Maintaining Access to the CNI for all our Users
by Adam Kerr on May 4, 2021 2:47 pm
As the CNI becomes increasingly busy, we are asking for your help. Please schedule your scans as efficiently as possible. We require only a single 30-minute COVID mitigation block between scans; please avoid having back-to-back COVID mitigation blocks, or 1/2-hour orphans between COVID mitigation blocks. We ask that you only schedule times for confirmed participants who are… Read more Maintaining Access to the CNI for all our Users
An important reminder: Please follow the COVID mitigation procedures!
by Laima Baltusis on March 30, 2021 6:22 pm
An urgent plea Like most of you, the CNI team is eager to see the challenges of the pandemic recede. As we approach the pandemic’s end (hopefully), it is important that we continue to closely follow the COVID Mitigation procedures at the CNI. We must help one another to get across the finish line strong – slip ups now will delay… Read more An important reminder: Please follow the COVID mitigation procedures!
CNI operations - March 2021 news
by Laima Baltusis on March 8, 2021 10:45 am
We are glad to see more users returning to scan at CNI. We would like to share two important updates. (1) Addition of Classroom 050 as a resource for CNI users We are pleased to report that CNI users have been recently granted access to another room (Classroom 050). The room is just outside CNI between Building 420… Read more CNI operations - March 2021 news
CNI Limited Operations during Winter Shutdown (December 12, 2020 - January 3, 2021)
by Laima Baltusis on December 4, 2020 11:49 am
Stanford’s winter shutdown will be the three weeks from Saturday, December 12, through Sunday, January 3. Qualified CNI users wishing to scan during this period are welcome to book time for their studies as needed. A change in county guidelines such as a new shelter-in-place order may affect whether the CNI can remain open, or what… Read more CNI Limited Operations during Winter Shutdown (December 12, 2020 - January 3, 2021)
UHP Upgrade Update
by Adam Kerr on November 6, 2020 3:20 pm
Unfortunately, we’ve run into a number of issues with the system upgrade that has delayed the process considerably. The issues are summarized below. We regret the inconvenience. Failed scan room power supply: The upgrade installed some new hardware (connecting cables) into the scanner suite. Upon powering up, the GE service engineers were unable to get the system to… Read more UHP Upgrade Update
New Human Subjects Research Guidelines
by Adam Kerr on October 22, 2020 1:01 pm
Introduction This note summaries significant developments in the University Human Subject Research Guidelines. We specifically address how these changes will impact the CNI Standard Operating Procedures (SOP). The University’s updated guidelines dramatically increase the permitted research activity at the CNI. In anticipation of increased activity, we are modifying our SOP to increase access to well-ventilated spaces for… Read more New Human Subjects Research Guidelines
Normal Protocol Development Policy Resumes Oct. 1, 2020
by Adam Kerr on September 23, 2020 1:48 pm
We are glad that many groups start to come back and use the CNI services. We are seeing that the transition from the MR 750 to the UHP is going smoothly, and there are only a few adjustments needed to get different people back scanning again. We have noted that the calendar is starting to fill up… Read more Normal Protocol Development Policy Resumes Oct. 1, 2020
Updated CNI SOP
by Adam Kerr on September 11, 2020 12:41 pm
Updated CNI SOP We updated the CNI SOP for COVID-19 mitigation on our CNI wiki. The update adds some details regarding EEG and EEG/fMRI studies. We now have approval to have multiple groups using the CNI at the same time. Please note that density requirements still need to be followed except for very short periods (< 15… Read more Updated CNI SOP
Slack and Volunteers
by Adam Kerr on July 20, 2020 11:08 am
Remember to Sign Up for CNI Slack Workplace CNI has created a Slack workplace ( to help expand intrauser communication and sharing of information. If you haven’t used Slack before, please checkout these resources ( Volunteer Recruiting With the expansion of the volunteer recruitment pool (see post from July 14), PIs are now allowed to recruit from… Read more Slack and Volunteers
Expanded Subject Recruiting Pool
by Adam Kerr on July 14, 2020 4:32 pm
Subject Pool Expanded to Include Any Stanford Affiliate Already on Main Campus Please note that as of tomorrow, July 15, Stanford has expanded the allowable human subject recruiting pool for researchers using CNI to anyone already approved to be on the main campus. The complete text from the Research Recovery Handbook reads as follows. IRB-approved, in-person,… Read more Expanded Subject Recruiting Pool
Reopening the CNI - Update and FAQ (part 4)
by Adam Kerr on June 18, 2020 12:42 pm
Partial Opening Update This is a brief update on our post of June 6 (Reopening the CNI – partial opening (part 3)). Please review that blog post in conjunction with the material here. The CNI COVID-19 Mitigation SOP has been revised (June 16, 2020) to make it very clear that the human subjects research (HSR) stages… Read more Reopening the CNI - Update and FAQ (part 4)
Reopening the CNI - partial opening (part 3)
by Laima Baltusis on June 6, 2020 11:50 am
Partial opening The CNI will partially re-open this Wednesday, June 10th. We expect much of the rest of the month of June to be used for protocol development (new UHP) and training on the new procedures (COVID-19). For this initial period scheduling protocol development time up to 1 week in advance is permitted, and the CNI will be open… Read more Reopening the CNI - partial opening (part 3)
Reopening the CNI - safe operations - part 2
by Brian Wandell on May 25, 2020 5:01 pm
The CNI Team believes that we can re-open safely. There are issues beyond the CNI environment that the University must consider prior to giving us permission. We report, however, that our confidence that the CNI environment can be safe is high. A blog post and Slack Channel messages will be sent out when CNI has… Read more Reopening the CNI - safe operations - part 2
Updated CNI IRB information
by Brian Wandell on May 7, 2020 4:46 pm
We have updated the CNI IRB page to consolidate and simplify the descriptions and classifications of equipment and devices at CNI. The new documentation consolidates the Device description to include the new UHP MRI scanner, software and coils in your IRB applications. These do not need to called out separately. This updated information was prepared and approved… Read more Updated CNI IRB information
Reopening the CNI - safe operations
by Laima Baltusis on May 1, 2020 4:04 pm
Our conversations with the University make it seem likely that when research starts up again there will be various COVID19-mitigation related issues that impact users directly. This post is one in a series that we will share as the University policy evolves. Safe operations – The CNI has developed a standard operating procedures (SOP) document for when studies are resumed. The document defines… Read more Reopening the CNI - safe operations
CNI - April 10 update
by Brian Wandell on April 10, 2020 1:51 pm
The CNI team continues to meet twice-a-week through the shutdown. We hope to be fully ready on the first-day that the University opens. We continue to monitor best practices and anticipated regulations so that we can be ready to open safely. This message describes some of the additional work we are doing. We have created a… Read more CNI - April 10 update
CNI Update: Shelter-in-place
by Brian Wandell on March 16, 2020 7:43 pm
Today’s ‘shelter-in-place’ announcement (March 16, 2020) means that the CNI (and Jordan Hall) are closed to all non-essential personal. The CNI staff can be reached online through the usual email and text methods. In the coming days we plan to send out messages about CNI plans for the future when we all return. We wish you all good health during this challenging period.… Read more CNI Update: Shelter-in-place
COVID Response / Cancellations
by Adam Kerr on March 9, 2020 7:26 pm
Hello CNI Users, In response to recommendations from the CDC, Stanford Infection Control, and also in consistency with Lucas Center procedures, we have listed a few steps that will help prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus from contacts at CNI. Please ask all volunteers and participants, before they arrive at CNI, if they have… Read more COVID Response / Cancellations
CNI User Meeting Slides (3/6/2020)
by Adam Kerr on March 7, 2020 2:18 pm
Thanks to all of the CNI users who participated in our User Meeting on Friday. We’ve attached the presentation slides here. If you have any questions on the slide material, please feel free to ask any of the CNI team. Thanks! The CNI Team 2020.03.06 Town Hall.pdf
CNI Users Meeting (3/6/2020): Room location change
by Brian Wandell on March 5, 2020 4:48 pm
We changed the location of the CNI User’s meeting to the Rotunda room (E241). This room is directly above the (closed) pub. If you are entering from the front the room is up the stairs. The time is still 10:30-11:30. We still plan to create a Zoom link for everyone to use. We will send… Read more CNI Users Meeting (3/6/2020): Room location change
CNI Users' Meeting Tomorrow – Friday, March 6, 10:30 to 11:30AM
by Adam Kerr on March 5, 2020 3:33 pm
The CNI users’ meeting will be held tomorrow, Friday, March 6, 10:30 to 11:30AM in the new Wu Tsai Neurosciences Building Room E153. We will be sharing the meeting on Zoom — please see the details at the bottom of this message. As per Stanford’s recommendations ( we are encouraging users to take advantage of Zoom to avoid… Read more CNI Users' Meeting Tomorrow – Friday, March 6, 10:30 to 11:30AM
CNI Upgrade News (II)
by Brian Wandell on February 14, 2020 5:19 pm
HOLD THE DATE: User meeting March 6th, 10:30am The installation is proceeding roughly on time. The equipment installation has now passed all of the tests required for clinical scanning. Our site is ‘special’, so there remains a great deal of specialization work that Adam, Hua, Laima and Michael have to do to get back to… Read more CNI Upgrade News (II)
CNI - Upgrade update (Feb 10)
by Brian Wandell on February 10, 2020 6:59 pm
The GE and CNI teams have been working intensely on the installation of the new gradient and electronics systems. The electronics cabinets – including the new gradient amplifiers, cabinets, and a massive amount of wiring – have been installed. The new gradient coil has arrived and is ready for installation. There was a setback a couple… Read more CNI - Upgrade update (Feb 10)
CNI: Notes from the Underground
by Brian Wandell on January 17, 2020 5:32 pm
The CNI scanner upgrade has begun! As you can see from the picture – the guts have been pulled out. Adam and the CNI team are in constant discussion with the Stanford Construction team (led once again by Fred Sutton!) who is overseeing the modifications to infrastructure, and with the GE team that… Read more CNI: Notes from the Underground
CNI Users meeting - September 6th, 2019
by Brian Wandell on August 16, 2019 12:43 pm
Dear CNI Users: We are inviting you to a User Meeting 10:30-11:30AM on Friday Sept. 6 in Bldg 380, Rm 380C. This is in the Math building and is easily accessed from the sublevel patio just outside CNI. We will use this meeting to discuss issues surrounding the upgrade of the CNI scanner beginning in January, 2020. The… Read more CNI Users meeting - September 6th, 2019
CNI hourly scan rate adjustments
by Brian Wandell on July 2, 2019 4:05 pm
Charges at a service center like the CNI are closely monitored by Stanford’s financial officers. The principles are to set the rates so that the service center does not make or lose much money in any given year. The costs of running the CNI are the staff salaries, scanner maintenance, and supplies. In case you… Read more CNI hourly scan rate adjustments
CNI upgrade planning
by Brian Wandell on July 2, 2019 4:04 pm
Planning for an MRI scanner upgrade at the CNI The MRI scanner we have (GE DVMR 750) is about 8 years old. There have been advances over the years that we incorporated through compute infrastructure and software. It is now time for us to consider the opportunity for a hardware upgrade. In anticipation of the hardware… Read more CNI upgrade planning
Medical Imaging and Artificial Intelligence conference at Stanford
by Brian Wandell on March 28, 2019 1:22 pm
Many of you are interested in Artificial Intelligence approaches to Medical Imaging. If so, this conference is for you. But you have to register! The workshop will include talks, panel discussions and interactive demos that highlight: (If you are a student who can’t afford the $35 dollars for the registration, which pays for food, let… Read more Medical Imaging and Artificial Intelligence conference at Stanford