CNI – Celebrating Five Years (Save the Date, October 14th)

Save the Date:  The morning of Friday, October 14th

The CNI team invites you to join us for a celebration to mark our first five years of operation.  The celebration will take place the morning of October 14th.  We have not yet secured a room, but we remain hopeful ;-).  The time is a bit uncertain because the room available is a bit uncertain.  So this is just a heads-up about the morning/lunch.

Here is what we do know:  There will be two 45 minute presentations from distinguished colleagues who are visiting Stanford,

In addition to the talks, we will have a poster session where we invite all members of the campus-wide neuroimaging community to share information about your projects and to meet other members of the community.

Finally, as part of the event the CNI team will update you about the equipment and software plans for the CNI and how we and our colleagues at the Lucas Center are working together to try to provide high quality neuroimaging support for the campus. There will be time for you to provide us with feedback on new features you would like to see implemented.

Brian, Bob, Laima and Hua



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