CNI Limited Operations during Winter Shutdown (December 12, 2020 – January 3, 2021)

Stanford’s winter shutdown will be the three weeks from Saturday, December 12, through Sunday, January 3. Qualified CNI users wishing to scan during this period are welcome to book time for their studies as needed. A change in county guidelines such as a new shelter-in-place order may affect whether the CNI can remain open, or what types of in-person human subject research are still permissible, so please be sure to check our blog for updates prior to scanning.  

For everyone’s health and safety, please note the following guidelines for scanning during this shutdown period.

(1) CNI will operate in an weekend/evening mode. Bookings appearing in the calendar during this time period will be charged weekend/evening rates –

(2) CNI staff will not be on-site during this three week period. Remote support will be available the first week of shutdown (Saturday, December 12 – Sunday, December 20). Only emergency remote support will be available Monday, December 21 – Sunday, January 3.

(3) Janitorial support will be limited, being performed twice weekly. For the health and safety for all users, it is imperative that all CNI users perform all required COVID-19 mitigation cleaning scrupulously before and after their scans.

(4) During the CNI shutdown, all users must follow all university on-site requirements including being registered in ORMS and doing daily health checks.  The University also follows the Santa Clara County guidelines, and we will alert you should  any significant changes be announced.

(5) Parking enforcement will continue during the Winter shutdown –

(6) Normal CNI operations will resume on Monday, January 4, 2021.

Please reach out to the CNI team for any additional questions or concerns.

The CNI team

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