CNI Upgrade News (II)

HOLD THE DATE:   User meeting March 6th, 10:30am

The installation is proceeding roughly on time.  The equipment installation has now passed all of the tests required for clinical scanning.  Our site is ‘special’, so there remains a great deal of specialization work that Adam, Hua, Laima and Michael have to do to get back to our specific configuration.  This will take approximately another two weeks – if all goes well.  That should be about March 2nd.

The system will open up in three steps.

  • First, around or just after March 2nd we will permit groups to sign up to test protocols (protocol development time).  The CNI team will be around to help make sure that your protocols are working as you expect.  The calendar is currently closed, but once the team is ready they will release times that you can use for protocol testing.
  • Second, the calendar will open Monday, February 17th for reservations 4 weeks later (Monday, March 16th).
  • Third, on Monday, February 24th at 9am we will extend the advanced booking to 8 weeks (Monday, April 20th).   This is the standard advanced booking of 8 weeks that was used prior to the upgrade.  The slots March 23 through April 20 will open up all at once at that time.

HOLD THE DATE:   User meeting March 6th, 10:30am





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