Updated CNI SOP
Updated CNI SOP
We updated the CNI SOP for COVID-19 mitigation on our CNI wiki. The update adds some details regarding EEG and EEG/fMRI studies.
We now have approval to have multiple groups using the CNI at the same time. Please note that density requirements still need to be followed except for very short periods (< 15 minutes) such as when passing other groups in the waiting room or hallways. The intent of this modification is to allow groups to be using the mock scanner room while others are using the scan room.
If you find yourself in a situation where too many people are congregating in the waiting room or elsewhere, please relocate so that density requirements are being followed. This may mean waiting outside of CNI for a short while until other groups have left.
Back to Normal Hours
We are removing the restrictions of limiting scanning between 9am-6pm — CNI users who have the appropriate level of training are allowed to scan at off hours. We ask that users who are new to operations under the new SOP come in during normal business hours in order to have CNI staff available to answer any questions.
Protocol Development Time
We will still be allowing protocol development time to be booked out up to 7 days in advance. If the CNI schedule starts to become more congested we will reinstate the 48 hour advance booking time limit and inform users accordingly. Please remember that protocol development time may not be used for acquiring any research product. It is meant only for establishing and testing protocol settings and to ensure any stimulus presentation and scan synchronization are working.