CNI Inaugural Event

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The opening event to celebrate the first year of operation of the CNI MRI facility was held March 22-23, 2012 in the Clark Center Auditorium at Stanford University, California. Below is a list of the speakers and links to videos of their talks.


Welcome Address -- Brian Wandell (Stanford University, CNI Director)

Cognitive Neuroscience Session

Cognitive Neuroscience -- Marcus Raichle (Washington University)

Circuit Dynamics Mediating Face Processing in Primates -- Leslie Ungerleider (NIH)

The Menagerie of the Mind: Domain-Specific and Domain-General Components -- Nancy Kanwisher (MIT)

MR Methods Session

High-Fidelity Brain Connectivity Imaging -- Allen Song (Duke)

Eliminating Distortions from BOLD Neuroimaging -- Douglas Noll (Michigan)

Multimodal Imaging of the Restless Brain -- Thomas Liu (UCSD)

Data Integration Session

Quantitative Multimodal Imaging: Probing Structure and Function across Scale -- Anders Dale (UCSD)

High Field High Resoultion Imaging of Brain Structure and Function -- Essa Yacoub (CCMR, Minnesota)

Scalable Neuroimaging Inititaive: agile data sharing and discovery -- Thomas Grabowski (UW)

Introduction Day 2

MR Tools for Neuroscience: A GE Perpsective -- Scott Hinks (GE Healtcare)

In Vivo MR Histology Session

Cyto- and receptorarchitectonic brain organization -- Katrin Amunts (Juelich)

Diffusion MR Imaging of the Brain From White Matter Microstructure to the Human Connectome -- Pratik Mukherjee (UCSF)

How should we think about diffusion tensor MRI tractography? -- Lawrence Frank (UCSD)

Neuroimaging Neurofeedback Opportunities for Self Modulation of Brain Networks -- Jerzy Bodurka (Laureate Institute)

Data Interpretation Session

Cracking the Functional Code of the Brain at Multiple Levels of Organization -- Ranier Goebel (Maastricht)

Inferring Mental Structure from Neuroimaging Data -- Russell Poldrack (UT Austin)

High-dimensional Common Models of Neural Representation Spaces -- James Haxby (Dartmouth)